Who or what can always cheer you up?

This is such an important question. I think too often we allow the weight of the world to get us down, and forget about the little things than can make us happy, if we allow them to.

Who? My husband. He has a way of doing silly dances, finding hilarious youtube videos, or referencing crazy things in pop culture in a way that can take me from tears of sorrow, to tears of laughter. He makes me laugh, and his smile can always brighten my day.

What? Performing. No matter what is going on, when I step on stage I'm happy. Even if tough things are happening offstage, being on stage is a form of escapism for me. I'm able to let my problems go and transform into whatever character I need to be. Performing is probably one of the activities that bring me the most joy in life.

Performance is where the heart is.

Raw Fruit Theater Troupe:
Cast of Love, Queens who Suffer from Postraumatic Stress Disorder

Who or what can always cheer YOU up?


  1. interestingly (or obviously, lol) my answers are similar. my "who" is my (future) hubby, and my "what" is performing.

    thanks for reminding me to take some time out to be grateful for both today.

  2. Hm hm.. that's very interessting but actually i have a hard time visualizing it... wonder what others have to say..


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